Patricia H. Taylor, PhD (“Dr. Patti”) is the
world’s most expert leader
in the field of Expanded Orgasm.
Expand Her Orgasm Tonight: 21 Day Program for Partners, teaches couples the practice of Expanded Orgasm. This is a genital stroking system that allows a woman to be multi-orgasmic and to stay in orgasmic bliss for 5, 10, 30, 45 minutes at a time.
“EHOT” is perfect for women who love to come and come, for women who have difficulty orgasming, for men who like to use their hands and fingers in lovemaking and for couples who want to connect at an energetic, intimate level frequently.
Dr. Patti’s latest work, her Seduction Trilogy, is a collection of three eBooks that teach a man how to seduce a woman and then how to continue to extend their sexual experiences into new areas by being “her sexual trainer.” There are audio books that go with the Trilogy, that are the same content, read in a very sexy voice for added pleasure.
Patti’s extensive research, profound understanding of ancient Tantric texts, and application of cutting-edge science, infuses her work with deep power, and enables her followers and clients to achieve impressive results in a short time.